Update 8/30/2023: the game is now published and public with the Godot 4 rewrite. It’s a dozen times over a better game now, and the code is much better and more efficient as well. See below for updates and the current to-do list, lots of new things coming.
I will port the game to iOS if I can get a working VM of macos running, and if Godot will work in that VM.
Current updates include…
19: bonus cannons now have their own independent targeting system
17: fix bug on aim line not showing after down button
12: added special attack bricks indicated with yellow star
7: create flag for cannon new location, slow down ball speed up, create targeting laser
2: Complete and 100% re-writing of the scripting code for the entire game to go from Godot Game engine 3.5 to Godot 4.x. Much cleaner and more efficient code.
The current to-do list:
Make coin and bonus level (every 10?). Coin achieved on one-shot clear screen. Bonus level for 2. Coin spend to create random special brick at 1, 2 ,3 percent for 3, 2, 1 respectively.
If new shot location is set but not moved yet have next screen appear with it moved
Min of 5 shots on special
Await special shoot after animate entrance
Check ball speed up not working
Add new special, nuke
Cannon moves before shot done
Flag deploys twice, once at first ball and again after cannon moved
Set level score back to 0 after level complete and level fail, make new game?
Make all shapes collision shapes slightly bigger
When closing by intermission shows shrink with no shrink behind it.
Enjoy these Android phone screenshots