Go full PipeWire on Ubuntu 22.04 and all family derivatives

Go full PipeWire on Ubuntu 22.04 and all family derivatives

Ubuntu already has most of PipeWire running in the background and replacing pulseaudio with PipeWire is really, very easy.

Start a terminal and run the following commands:

sudo apt install pipewire-audio-client-libraries libspa-0.2-bluetooth libspa-0.2-jack wireplumber

This should also automatically remove pipewire-media-session, which is exactly what you want. Now run:

systemctl --user --now enable wireplumber.service

and finally, reboot your system to enjoy your new pipewire audio server.


If you need to use pipewire’s bluetooth server, remove the pulseaudio server with:

sudo apt remove pulseaudio-module-bluetooth

ubuntu pipewire commands

How to undo these changes:

First remove the requirements for pipewire:

sudo apt remove pipewire-audio-client-libraries libspa-0.2-bluetooth libspa-0.2-jack 

Then reinstall the original pipewire media session:

sudo apt install pipewire-media-session 

This command should also remove wireplumber.

systemctl --user --now enable pipewire-media-session

if you get an error that says failed to enable unit. The error should look like this:
“Failed to enable unit: File /home/buzz/.config/systemd/user/pipewire-session-manager.service already exists and is symlink to /usr/lib/systemd/user/wireplumber.service.”
That file will need to be removed.

rm ~/.config/systemd/user/pipewire-session-manager.service

New repeat the previoiusly failed command

systemctl --user --now enable pipewire-media-session

Restart pulseaudio services:

systemctl --user restart pulseaudio

Now just reboot and everything should come back as it was


If for some reason you still don’t have audio, do the following commands one at a time

sudo systemctl --global --now disable pipewire-pulse.service pipewire-pulse.socket 

systemctl --user --now reenable pulseaudio.service pulseaudio.socket

systemctl --user restart pulseaudio


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