New version of Inkstitch v3.0.0 has just release

New version of Inkstitch v3.0.0 has just release

Super exciting news, the next version of Inkstitch has just released, version 3.0.0 is ready for consumption. Keep in mind you must have inkscape installed already, and run inkscape once to set up it’s default folders before installing inkstitch.

Installers for Windows, Mac, and Linux are now available here:

To install inkstitch, you must install inkscape first. Inkstitch is a plugin that runs within inkstitch from the Extensions menu in inkscape. After installing inkscape you should run inkscape once so it can create the needed user folders necessary for inkstitch to install into. Close inkscape then install inkstitch. Then when you open inkscape, inkstitch should be in the Extensions menu.

If you are updating/upgrading from v2.2.0 you do not need to remove or uninstall that version before installing v3.0.0. The installer should handle the removal of the previous version for you. If you find that you have two menu options for each option, remove all instances of inkstitch (and the folders), then do a fresh install.

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